About Us
“Greatness isn’t born, it’s made”
Welcome to Sarasota Gymnastics Academy
An exceptionally successful family owned gymnastics program located in Sarasota, Florida and home to 1980 Olympian Krassimira Toneva
Our mission: The sport of gymnastics combines flexibility and strength in an artistic manner, providing physical as well as great psychological benefits. Our goal is to facilitate an enjoyable, safe and fun environment for our gymnasts that will help them gain self-confidence, mental and physical strength. Our goal is to teach our gymnasts discipline, grace, good sportsmanship, and to learn to be a part of a team. In addition to this, we hope to promote our gymnast’s abilities to successfully work under pressure - as you know, gymnastics can be very challenging. The goal is through gymnastics to teach resilience and encourage our gymnasts to keep pushing forward and to never give up. Our mission is to develop great athletes but also great little humans that will stand tall no matter what challenges they face.
“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.
Contact us.
Does your son or daughter have a passion for gymnastics? Give them the opportunity train with the USA Gymnastics members and certified coaches at the locally-owned and operated Sarasota Gymnastics Academy!